Road in field

The Arthur R. Dubs Foundation is a proud supporter of the Jackson County Junior Livestock Auctions.

To submit a buyers letter:

  • All buyers letters must be hand written
  • All buyers letters should be addressed to: Arthur R. Dubs Foundation
  • Our buyers enjoy meeting livestock exhibitors and prefer to have you call in advance to schedule an appointment.
  • For the lamb & swine auction please call:  David Hyatt at 541-773-9407
  • For the steer auction please call: Reggie Jones at 541-944-1151
  • Hand delivered buyers letters WILL BE accepted without an appointment at David Hyatt's office 680 G Street, Suite A in Jacksonville.
  • Buyers letters submitted via fax, email, text or other electronic format will NOT be considered.

4H and FFA members when hand delivering buyers letters please leave your parents, guardians, 4H Leader etc waiting outside. One of the many skills you learn when participating in a market animal project is responsibility and leadership. We understand it can be a little scary to walk into a business by yourself and ask to leave a buyer's letter or to make an appointment to meet a potential buyer. However, we believe practicing the skills of shaking hands, introducing yourself and sharing about your project is a very important part of the process and a life skill that will serve you well into the future.

We look forward to meeting you.